How Artificial intelligence can be used to achieve higher quality laser cutting projects

Hello, my name is Malcolm and this is my new blog. My friends thought that I was insane when I told them I was going to start a manufacturing blog. However, I'm not insane. I am just massively inspired by a trip I made to my father-in-law's factory. I married into an industrial and manufacturing family who run a number of different plants across the country. When I was brought into the family fold I decided to find out about the industry. It was a fascinating experience and I am really pleased to have had it. I hope you like my blog.

How Artificial intelligence can be used to achieve higher quality laser cutting projects

23 May 2018
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Laser cutting refers to the use of a laser to cut, shape and size many different materials during industrial processes. During most laser cutting projects, a powerful laser beam is directed towards the material, and cutting is achieved via melting, burning or vaporising.

To increase the efficiency of laser cutting processes, more effective machines need to be used. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a popular technology for achieving higher quality laser cutting projects. But how does AI impact professional laser cutting?

Understanding Artificial Intelligence

In the most basic terms, AI refers to the act of automating intelligent behaviour by machines. Machines are basically designed to replicate human elements that can result in more efficient work. For example, AI machines can respond to environmental conditions such as changes in temperature and pressure, and they can also interpret speech and plan for a sequence of activities in advance.

The Impact of AI on laser cutting

The realm of AI is bound to have a great impact on the field of laser cutting. Because AI machines act on automated intelligence, they can be programmed via computer algorithms to carry out more efficient laser cutting processes. For example, the intended dimensions and features of a final product can be specified to the machine in advance so that the final product is exactly as was intended.

By equipping powerful laser cutting machines with artificial intelligence, industries can achieve higher quality products at a reduced cost. In addition to product quality, other ways through which AI can impact laser cutting include:

Machine design

Laser cutters can be equipped with advanced planning and control mechanisms that make them easier to operate, even from remote locations. With AI, you can simply use algorithms to program how the machine will operate in the absence of a human element.

Machines can be prompted to cut materials for certain durations and to stop under certain conditions. In this way, not only is the element of human error minimised, but machine consistency is also ensured.

Better monitoring capabilities

With AI, the performance of laser cutters can be monitored on a regular basis. If a laser beam has been programmed to operate under specific temperature conditions and temperature deviates during the cutting process, you can receive an immediate notification in order to implement the necessary changes.

Predictive maintenance

With AI incorporated into the laser cutting process, problems with machine operation can be detected in advance before any downtime is experienced. As a result, machines can be better maintained to produce highly quality end products.

About Me
Malcolm's Manufacturing Blog

Hello, my name is Malcolm and this is my new blog. My friends thought that I was insane when I told them I was going to start a manufacturing blog. However, I'm not insane. I am just massively inspired by a trip I made to my father-in-law's factory. I married into an industrial and manufacturing family who run a number of different plants across the country. When I was brought into the family fold I decided to find out about the industry. It was a fascinating experience and I am really pleased to have had it. I hope you like my blog.
